Friday, April 9, 2010

How Your Lifestyle Can Influence Your Car Insurance Rate

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Very few people have ever stopped to do an audit of their lifestyle and try to see how their actions directly affect their car insurance rates. More so very few people realize that cutting down there personal expenses can actually lead to a cut on their car insurance rate.

Take for example gasoline costs. If a car owner decides to reduce the amount of money he spends on the gas he buys that will probably mean 2 things, either the price of gas has gone down or he has to reduce the usage of his car. If the choice is the latter then the driver will eventually end up driving less and when it comes to renewal of his insurance he will realize that the less driving he does the less mileage he will have on the car and that will mean a lower insurance quote from an issuer.

Another way your lifestyle can affect your rates is by the choices you make and how you go about your day to day living. If you find yourself constantly in a rush always running to meetings and never scheduling enough time to get from point A to B there is a good chance that this personality will also be displayed in your driving. That is over speeding, accidents, traffic infringements will be common for you. All this adds up to a bad driving record which in turn means hire premium quotes from your insurer for insurance coverage. Insurers always look at your past driving record when determining how much they will charge you for the coverage policy you have applied for.

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